Thursday, 26 February 2015

Day 26 - Off the Eaten Track with Lea Harris

Back to the porridge again today. Just another couple of portions left. This bag has served us well.

Porridge + cuppa - 11p

Lunch was a return to the lentil, tomato and spaghetti soup after the pea over load from yesterday.

Lentil, tomato and spaghetti soup + peanuts + cuppa - 16p

Tonight's dinner was again a mix of things we had left .... sausage, veg and rice with a splash of vinegar and a dusting of chilli powder.

Sausage, Veg and Rice + diluting juice - 26p

This evening I had the pleasure of appearing on Castle FM talking to Lea Harris on her show "Off the Eaten Track". As with so many people we've met over the month the first thing Lea did was offer to buy me a tea or coffee which I had to politely decline. It was good fun and hopefully I didn't sound too much of an arse!! Mary said Bailey was confused hearing me on the radio and kept running to the front door and bedroom looking for me.

Back home and tonight's treat. A slice of toast and 1/2 a banana.

Toast and banana + cuppa - 10p

Total for the day 63p each.

Please use this link if you'd like to donate to Fairshare Just Giving Page.

Total raised so far £1114.18. Thanks again for all the support.

Paul & Mary


  1. Just read through all your entries so far. Well done and good luck for your last one and a bit days.
