Sunday, 22 February 2015

Day 22 - Doughnuts and Peanuts

This diet is effecting my dreams. Last night's included me having a pint with David Cameron. He was getting a hard time from a group of people and I ushered him away to a quieter bit of the bar to avoid the hassle. More of a nightmare than a dream I guess!!!

Had my week 3 weigh-in and have lost 16 lbs since we started. Happy with the weigh lose but would not recommend the diet as a good approach to weight lose. Mary and I decided not to go with the woman's magazine agent and her offer to place our story in a number of woman's magazines as we were worried it might have become a fad diet!!

Back to porridge for breakfast.

Porridge + cuppa - 11p

After breakfast we met friends and their new puppy and went for a walk round Arthur's Seat.

Lunch was sausage baguette.

Sausage Baguette, pancake + cuppa - 14p

Afternoon, again was catching up with some work while Mary read her book with Bails keeping her warm on the sofa. Once I got work out of the way we checked our budget and planned what to spend the remainder of our monthly budget on. We had a total of £2.52 to spend!!!

We wanted to get some fresh fruit and a few other things we hadn't had yet. We visited Lidl and Tesco. There were a few fruit options at around a £1 but that's a full day's budget. Interestingly you can get a whole bag or pears from Lidl for 99p and for 1p more a little plastic container of mixed fruit for £1. Also, I've no idea what a "fun size" pear is.

So here is our last shop. We did the vulture thing in Tesco when we saw they guy marking things down. We don't normally eat doughnuts but 6 for 23p was too good a deal to pass on.

We also bought some peanuts as we just got a craving for them as soon as we saw them. Once we got home we weighed the nuts and gave ourselves a 14th of the bag each so we can have a wee portion each day over the remainder of the week. Here is the portion we had each. I'd say it was equivalent to a handful you might eat in one go then have a swig of a beer. I had them 2 at a time and licked the salt of them. I was genuinely excited having these.

Peanuts - 4p (actually 3.4p)

Dinner was pizza with mozzarella this time.

Pizza - 44p

While having dinner we watched Countryfile where they covered a story about milk prices and how it's now cheaper than mineral water in most supermarkets. How can that happen and what is the impact on dairy farmers. Supermarkets are constantly squeezing farmers margins to the point we will force them down a battery style approach to farming. None of the supermarket chains seem to be paying a reasonable price to farmers but the following are probably the best - Tesco, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. On the other hand Lidl, Asda, Aldi and Iceland have recently dropped prices further so please try and use one of the better suppliers if you can.

Read more about it here:

Tonight we treated ourselves to one of the doughnuts each and we froze the rest for later in  the week.

Doughnut + cuppa - 5p

Total for the day 78p each.

Please use this link if you'd like to donate to Fairshare Just Giving Page.

Total raised so far £895.18. Thanks again for all the support.

Paul & Mary

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