Sunday, 1 February 2015

Day 1 - £45 shop

Yesterday we spent £45 of our £56 pound budget for the month. We got all the basics in we'll need for the month... lots of tin tomatoes, pasta, rice, frozen veg and porridge. As we're not using anything we already had in the cupboards we've had to buy salt, pepper, stock cubes (although we could only get really cheap chicken ones), flour and some dried herbs (although we did treat ourselves to a packet of fresh coriander to freeze for chilli and curries).

Breakfast was a bowl of porridge with a teaspoon of honey (this is likely to be the breakfast of choice necessity for 24 of the 28 days). This came in at around 10p a serving.

Lunch was a boiled egg and a slice of toast each at 8p a portion.

A busy day on the go left us both beginning to feel hungry in the afternoon so we treated ourselves to a cup of tea with a digestive biscuit. This cost us just over 2p each from the budget.

While we were out I had a batch of Lentil soup cooking in the slow cooker. There is going to be a lot of soup been eaten during the month.

After our cuppa we went to pick up a Jiff lemon and some dried basil from Asda and were confronted by The Munchies as we stood at the checkouts. Interesting that this little treat itself would almost completely wipe out our individual budget for the day.

Mary also dropped some biscuits off for the food bank as they will be out of date by March when we can get back to eating them.

Tonight's dinner was Turkey Milanese. This used up 57p per portion washed down by some diluting juice at 1p a portion.

So Day 1 is drawing to close and there is the choice of a yogurt but I suspect we might leave that for another night.

We've spent equivalent to 79p each on feeding ourselves for a full day!!! Day 1 was always going to be the easiest. I suspect the lack of booze will start to kick in around Tue/Wed.

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